After my mom was killed, we spent alot of time at the farm. Daddy worked out of town so we stayed with Aunt Josie and Uncle James. Now this meant that Josie would drive us to school. She didn't get her drivers license until Paula was in high school. James didn't want us to ride the bus. It was the city buses then. There were no yellow buses in town. It cost a nickle to ride and that is how I use to get to Paula's house. Just take the to bus to Celenese and get off at the red light. North Broad didn't go past the hill. It wasn't till later that it was extended to new 53 highway. Then Paula was elected cheerleader and we would get to go to the out of town football games.
After I married, I didn't see her much. Just at family gatherings but when Jeff was born, she came to the hospital with my dad and sat with me for a long time. I really missed seeing them so I would go every chance I got. Paula had married and moved to Athens. The house just seemed deserted. When uncle James died, I went to see them and it was never the same. Aunt Josie still had a Christmas tree sitting in the living room. I asked her why she didn't take it down. She told me that by the time she got around to taking it down, it would be time to put it back up so she just threw a sheet over it.
I think my family is interesting and I hope anyone who reads my stories likes them. These are my memories of them when I was young. I want every one to get a feel of who they were and how they lived. When you run across a name on paper it is just a name. But if you learn a little about that person, then you feel like you knew them and they can live on.