Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Love of Family History part 2 granddad Guy

     My grandfather was a musician and wrote gospel music. There was 7 brothers and they all were musically inclined. They provided for their families in this manner. Benjamin B Beall graduated from the Texas Musical Institute in music and elocution. From this, he taught all his brothers and they taught singing schools in churches which were the equivalent of theory classes taught in colleges today, going as far as lessons in harmony for those who wished to study.  Their songbooks were called "Lasting Joys" by Seven Brothers and "Joyful Lays" .
     In 1924 my grandmother became sick and died from "Plegra" which is a deficiency of iodine. My grandfather was just about lost with grief and he had a family to raise. His oldest daughter, Lillian, was married and moved to Atlanta. His daughter, Gordie Mae, had found a job in Atlanta and moved there also. Granddad packed up the rest of the family and moved in with his daughter and looked for work. With a depression, work was scarce. No one wanted music lessons and if they did, they couldn't afford them. Any odd jobs to be found, were attacked by my granddad and his older boys. Uncle Aubrey learned to upholster furniture and became very good at it. Uncle Lowell went to work for the Atlanta Journal . Aunt Vivian took care of my uncle Kerwin and my dad who were the youngest boys. Then aunt Vivian married and started a family of her own. When my dad was old enough to go to work, it was at a furniture factory called FOX. He became very accomplished and they took him to Rome, GA when they opened a branch there. About this time, the war broke out, so my dad joined the army. He was having a hard time adjusting to army life because of stomach problems. They put him in the hospital and found out that he had ulcers and he received a medical discharge.
     He went back to work for FOX Manufacturing Company and talked my grandad and uncle Kerwin into moving to Rome. Granddad thought that work might be better for him up there so they moved. He found a job right away driving a taxi cab and Kerwin went to work with dad. They lived in a boarding house in North Rome because they could walk to work. This is where my granddad met his second wife, Rose Martin Davis. Her husband had died in 1939 and they didn't have children so she lived at the boarding house. She was a piano teacher, so her and granddad got along very well.  continuation at the line of Lillian Blanche Beall

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