Thursday, September 1, 2011


A painting of Wilburn Gault Ellis in uniform.

Another interesting story from my family history is Wilbur Gault Ellis. He was also the brother of my second great grandfather, John Milton Ellis. Wilbur or Gault as he was called most of the time was an interesting character. I received a copy of a letter he had written to Congress about his pension from the US government. According to the letter, dated July 29, 1915-To the Honorable Commissioner of Pensions in Washington D.C. I will try to copy it and post on this document for your reading pleasure but it states:
Dear Sir
I will answer all the questions to the best of my knowledge and ability first. I did not render any military or naval service prior to February of 1861 and second, I can not furnish any copy of any Church record of my birth. I do not think there was any as we wer not Church goers. Neither can I furnish any copy or family record showing date of birth for this reason: First my father's family was a Union family or what was cald Lincolnites at the out break of the Rebellion and my brothers and myself had our choice to goin the C.S.A. Army or to prison or wors. Of the three alternates, we chose the first, but our brother and myself taken the first chance and went to the old Flag. He to the Army of the Potomack, me to the Army of the Cumberland and the other brothers after the war to different parts of the Union. and if any of them are living, I do not know. My father's home was near the line of Tennessee and Georgia. A stomping ground for robers and theives. under the guise of solders. So all records, relics, pictures and papers of value or not were destroyed and after the war closed, I went home for a short visit to my parents and found it to be unsafe for one who had rendered any military service to the U.S. Government. So I drifted west where I have been ever since. I was born and raised in Murray County, Georgia. May 19, 1845 and lived with my Father until 1863 countinouly at the place of my birth in said Murray County, Georgia. My Father was Nathan Ellis, Mother Mary C. Ellis, Brother John M. Ellis, James H. Ellis, Nathan R. Ellis, Lassan W.Ellis, Leavy M. Ellis, Howard A. Ellis. sisters Mary J. Ellis Martha A Ellis. All was living in Murray County, Georgia in 1850 to 1860.
Very Respectfully
Wilburn G. Ellis
221 German Ave.
Salt Lake, Utah
Subscribed and Sworn before me this 2nd day of Aug. 1915
W. A. McDowd
notary public
He joined Co. H, 36th Ga. Cummings Brigade of the C.S.A. and the first chance he got, he deserted and joined the 10th Calvary, Company L Tennessee of the Union.
Since his family were sympathetic to the Union, it is a wonder that he didn't join them in the first place. At one point in time, he lost a leg and replaced it with wooden. I don't know if this was in the war or after. Haven't found that story yet, but I will keep diggin'



  1. Boy am I enjoying these stories. This is my distant cousin. I wonder how we are related.

  2. Need to know your relatives. Grand parents, great grandparents.
    Wilber Gault Ellis was the brother of my second great grandfather, John Milton Ellis. Their father was Nathaniel Ellis, an Indian. His Indian name was Squah-Ne-Chah of the Wolf Clan
