Tuesday, January 11, 2011


     This is a story about the dangers of drugs. In this generation, drugs are used more than drinking or smoking was in my generation. Numerous people are in prisons and rehabilitation for using or selling drugs. Of the ones in prison, even their children become addicted when they are exposed to that environment. Then their children become hooked and it never ends. I have even seen a young man that was used as a guinea pig by his father who experimented with his creations. Now that young man is crazy. Has to take some kind of drug every day to survive. But rehabilitation does not work with many. When they are released, they go back to the same old friends and habits. There is a new program that lasts six months and you stay in jail six months before it starts. The six month period gives you time to dry out and then you start to face up to what you were doing. I have a grandson who is in this program now and I received a letter from him with the following poem enclosed. He did not write the poem but someone in prison did using his past experiences with drugs and alcohol and  hopefully he has learned a lot from it.
      You are never cured, NEVER. You just learn to live with it. You are never cured from alcoholism, because if you take that first drink, you are hooked. The same happens with drugs or pills and it starts all over again. I think it is easier for these generations to become addicted because they had a head start when they were children. Every one runs to the doctor when the children sneeze or cough and get a prescription. These prescriptions have a narcotic in them. It gets in their system and they crave it from childhood. Now don't get me wrong, I know children have to go to the doctor, but we need different medication for children than something that puts them to sleep. Something has to be done before we loose our best grandchildren.  Because who will be our leaders? Who will fight our wars? Who will be our doctors and lawyers? or even politicians?  Who will be our teachers? Or our everyday people as neighbors next door or across the street. There is a cure but it is HARD. Probably the hardest thing  that they have ever done in their lives. There are twelve steps in this program.  I will get them written down when my grandson comes home in March and post them with this article. I had a young friend visit over Christmas break who is off drugs. She said she had been off for over 425 days. She has graduated from the program with a GED and will start college in the spring. She wants to be a journalist. I am sure that her story will be great when she writes it.
    As I ponder what I have written, I hope every one who reads this realizes there is hope for these people. One day at a time, that's all it takes, just one day at a time. They have to wake up each morning and pray to stay away from drugs or pills. Many of our athletics become addicted by an injury and go on medication. Soon the medicine doesn't work and they are looking for something stronger. We can't keep them away from sports so think of some ways to  help them be better protected from these injuries. Lets work together to get our nation "DRUG FREE."

                                    CRYSTAL METH

I destroy homes, I tear families apart, I take your children and that's just a start
I'm more valuable than diamonds, more precious than gold, The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold
If you need me, remember, I'm easily found. I live all around you, in schools and in towns.
I live with the rich, I live with poor. I live down the road or maybe next door.
I'm made in a lab but not like you think,I can even be made at the kitchen sink.
If that scares you to death then maybe it should.
I have many names but the one you know best
I'm sure you've heard of, they call me Crystal Meth.
My power is awesome, just try me you'll see,but if you once do, you'll never break free
Try me once, I may let you go, try me again, and I'll take your soul
When I get you, you'll steal and you'll lie, and do what you have to, just to get "high"
the crimes you commit for my narcotic charms, will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in my arms
You'll lie to your mother and steal from your dad and when you see their tears, you wont feel sad.
Forget all your morals and how you were raised. I'll be your conscience and teach you new ways
I'll take kids from parents and parents from kids, turn you from GOD and even your friends
I'll take everything-your looks and your pride, I'll always be there-right by your side.
I'll take and take until you've no more to give. When I'm finished with you, you'll be lucky to live.
If you try me, be warned-it isn't a game. If given a chance, I'll drive you insane.
Ravage your body-control your mind-I'll own you completely, your soul will be mine
The night snores I give you while lying in bed, the voices you hear from inside your head
the shakes and the sweats, the visions you'll see-I want you to know, these are gifts from me
By then it's to late, you'll know in your heart that you are mine and we'll never part.
For you'll regret you ever tried me (they always do), but they come to me, not I to you
you knew this would happened, many times you were told
but you tested my power, now choose to behold
you could have said no and then walked away, if you could do it all over, now what would you say.
I'll be your master, you'll do as I say, even when I tell you to go to the grave.
Now that we've met, what will you do? Will you try me or not, it's all up to you.
I'll show you more misery than mere words can tell-
or say, "take my hand, I'll escort you to hell." www.facebook.com/rhonda.hawkins.12

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